Monthly Archives: August 2012

An Entrepreneur You AUTO Know

Everyone who’s owned a car remembers their very first one — the pride, the happiness, the sense of owning something big. No matter how old or rundown it is — it’s yours! It’s your vehicle to freedom. At least that’s how I felt when I got my first car in a state where everyone depended on their vehicles to get around. I will never forget it — a grayish, rundown 1984 Volvo 760 GLE. It was almost as old as I was but I loved it and drove it with pride. Continue reading

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Entrepreneur Helps Indigenous Women Stitch Up Their Daughters’ Future

In 2004 Ruth DeGolia, traveled to Guatemala to conduct research for her Yale thesis on the effects of globalization in a country torn apart by civil war. While DeGolia had traveled to Guatemala in the past, this time, she met women whose stories of courage and determination changed her life in a direction she never imagined. Continue reading

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